Rather than being the toughest dog in the pack, he's the one everyone likes. Alpha and Beta Wolves: Buddy is the alpha of Sweetheart's Uplifted Animal Spitz dog pack, but this turns out to be an elected position.Lee happy, and the other was so that he could be loaded up with the agency's files, which combined with his command-phrase made it easy to abscond with them once the New War was underway. Beyond that, Nick was given to Skin Horse for two reasons - one was to make Dr. Ao/Goldbug, the mysterious guy running the conspiracy, is actually Ira, Skin Horse's supposedly mind-fried security guard. Almighty Janitor: (WARNING! Massive spoiler!) It turns out Mr.Aliens in Cardiff: A major transgenics convention is held in Cleveland, while the Notaries Public are housed in Idaho.

They came to earth to monitor the emergence of intelligent life. Alien Animals: Bee swarms, including Gavotte and Pavane.However, Sweetheart's comments about her time with Bram frequently allude to things that by any reasonable measure would come off as animal cruelty, hinting that she's painting Bram in an undeservedly bright light. Sweetheart's Mad Scientist creator, Captain Bram seems to come off this way, as his evil plan revolves around adorable puppies. Sweetheart: Do that thing again where you convince us you're not mad. Any questions?ĭr Lee: Are all the pathogens biological or has nanotech been introduced? What happens when plagues interact? Have new strains evolved? Sweetheart: Over the decades, various zombie plagues have spread there, producing its current population of over one million undead.